Prerequisites: MATH 250 or Consent of Instructor
Topics include: ordinary differential equations, existence and uniqueness of solutions. Linear equations. Laplace methods. Flows and diffeomorphisms, limit sets, iterations of maps. Positive entropy systems, chaotic behavior of trajectories. A lab fee is required.
Course Objective: The outcome of this class will provide students the opportunity to
develop mathematical models to describe certain physical systems (e.g., motion of a harmonic oscillator, predator-prey systems). The student will experience collaboration and
constructive evaluation with colleagues, discussions, lectures and other in-class and out-
of-class activities.
Some assignments will be completed using MATLAB. This resource is available in the following computer labs: BT 1704, OJAI 1964, OJAI 1972, and North Hall 2555. It is also available at the STEM Center in El Dorado Hall. You may need to turn in a paper copy of .m-files. The Academic Dishonesty Policy (see below) is strongly enforced. You are encouraged to collaborate, however, the work you turn in must be your own. Absolutely NO copy/paste/simply-change-parameter-names will be tolerated.
Using Octave Online at is encouraged.